In a significant stride toward fortifying community resilience in the face of the climate crisis, FCA Kenya’s Country Director, John Bongei, along with governors from key Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) counties and representatives of various humanitarian agencies, including the World Food Programme (WFP), the African Development Bank (AFDB), participated in a roundtable discussion hosted by The County Government of Garissa and UNICEF Kenya. This partnership endeavor aimed to explore strategies against the harsh impacts of climate change.

Some of the delegates who attended included Garissa Governor Nathif Jama, Rebecca Miano (Cabinet Secretary for the East African Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands, and Regional Development), and Governors from neighboring counties, including Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, and Tana River. Additionally, Isiolo Deputy Governor Dr. James Lowasa and other esteemed representatives graced the occasion.

Our Country Director, John Bongei, having a candid discussion with Garissa Governor Nathif Jama and Marsabit Governor Mohammud Ali after a roundtable discussion in Garissa. PHOTO: DAISY OBARE / FCA
Our Country Director, John Bongei, having a candid discussion with Garissa Governor Nathif Jama and Marsabit Governor Mohammud Ali after a roundtable discussion in Garissa. PHOTO: DAISY OBARE / FCA

During this event, John Bongei engaged in a crucial dialogue with Garissa and Marsabit Governors. They emphasized the role of education and the need for diversified livelihood activities in the two counties to possibly include creative industries in addressing climate change. Education, they concurred, serves as a potent instrument for comprehending, adapting to, and mitigating the effects of our rapidly changing climate.

“Education empowers communities to make informed choices, adopt sustainable practices, and prepare effectively for the environmental challenges that lie ahead. It’s a cornerstone in our collective effort to combat climate change,” Bongei said.

A visit to FCA’s Disability-Friendly Toilets in Garissa School

Our Country Director, John Bongei, along with a UNICEF representative and the head teacher of Garissa, inspect the recently constructed disability-friendly latrine, funded by UNICEF Kenya and implemented by FCA Kenya. Additionally, water tanks have been installed at Garissa Primary School. PHOTO: DAISY OBARE / FCA
Our Country Director, John Bongei, along with a UNICEF representative and the head teacher of Garissa, inspect the recently constructed disability-friendly latrine, funded by UNICEF Kenya and implemented by FCA Kenya. Additionally, water tanks have been installed at Garissa Primary School. PHOTO: DAISY OBARE / FCA

The day began with a visit to Garissa Primary School, where the delegates had the opportunity to witness an inspiring enrollment drive for the Out-of-School Program. Notably, this initiative aimed to mainstream and integrate learners with disabilities alongside their peers without disabilities, exemplifying the commitment to inclusive education.

With funding support from UNICEF Kenya, FCA Kenya constructed disability-friendly latrines and installed a water tank to symbolize improved infrastructure and our commitment to equal opportunities for all.

“These facilities have been designed and equipped to cater to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, fostering inclusivity and creating a world where everyone has equal opportunities,” said Bongei.

Garissa Governor Nathif Jama stressed, “Efficient water resource management is paramount for the well-being of our communities in this region. Water is life, and we must ensure its sustainable use and access for all.”

Rebecca Miano emphasized the need for constructing additional dams to enhance water storage and food security. She stated, “The construction of more dams is a step towards securing our water resources and ensuring a more sustainable water supply for our communities.

The partnership between FCA Kenya and UNICEF Kenya exemplifies their dedication to making a lasting impact on the communities they serve. Through partnerships, they aim to create a more inclusive society where no one is left behind.

Text: Daisy Obare